Education Services
Alternative, holistic learning environment.
Planned for 2024 is our 15-pupil Restorative specialist education provision in Calderdale, for children and young people in care who, it is envisaged, will particularly benefit from an alternative to mainstream school. Care and support, as well as education provision will be based on each individual child’s unique needs, with the same restorative, open and positive approach taken to education, as with our other children’s care and support services. With a consistent, strength-focused way of working with children who cannot progress in mainstream education, the benefits of this transformative model of positive support will be replicated in our school service.
High-quality learning and support in a reassuring, purpose-built environment for hard-to-reach and the most vulnerable children is planned, so that the positive effects of working to a restorative model can be replicated in the learning environment too. For those children who make progress in care, but for who school is where they are vulnerable and most likely to suffer a lack of progress, a dedicated, specialist, highly nurturing environment is preferable. Professionally trained teachers and support staff will work with children in an open, patient, communicative way to help overcome crisis and conflict, and progress positively, not just in their learning, but in their personal areas of need.