Supported Accommodation
Encouraging independence, celebrating journeys.
We provide young people and young adults age 16 to 25 with the support, guidance and encouragement to make the transition to independent adult life a success. Our supported accommodation service is provided entirely according to the needs of each young person, who may be in the process of leaving care, or have already left care. From supported accommodation living to individual placements, from a ratio of 1:1 to 1:4 and round-the-clock support, our supported accommodation provisions can accommodate a range of individual and complex needs. Non-patronising, collaborative support by Restorative is designed to encourage a young person’s wellbeing, engagement and independence, with a strong promotion of their learning and progression. Personal support plans focus on engagement in education, training or employment as a basis for personal wellbeing and the vital economic stability so crucial for future success.
The journey from supported to independent living involves thorough, collaborative pathway planning for each young person with their support worker team, involved agencies, and family members. Reviews and reassessments are regularly undertaken to ensure all care aspects are making positive progress. Support is entirely flexible; if a crisis occurs, extra support may be required temporarily, such as sleep-in support, waking-night cover, or a move to a more appropriate setting. At Restorative we recognise the multiple areas of need that can cause feelings of isolation or loss of self-worth for a young person, and potentially harm their progress. Our support therefore treats every young person as the individual they are, promoting their strengths, differences and choices as positives to be celebrated and developed in a way that helps them live their fullest life within the community.