Well done Church View on Ofsted rating Good, with Outstanding for leadership

Restorative home Church View has received an overall rating of good for it’s care services to looked after children, with a rating of outstanding for the effectiveness of its leaders and managers.

“Staff describe the manager as inspirational”

Ofsted inspectors particularly commented on the ambition manager, Nick, has for the children in the team’s care and how the approach to care, by well-trained, experienced staff supports the children to make “good progress in all areas of their lives”.

Nick was noted for his highly supportive role as manager at Church View, supporting all staff to “excel in their role”, and creating a “culture of high aspiration and positivity through communication, support, and training”.
Staff were described, in turn, as also having high ambition for the children and empowered to advocate for them, particularly regarding outside agencies should involvement fall short of the high standards expected.

“Children are developing a firm foundation on which they can build their future”

From health improvements and academic attainment to children feeling “happy and comfortable” with a “sense of permanence and belonging”, inspectors noted how “staff know the individual needs of children” which helps them feel supported and make progress.

The “firm foundation” the inspectors described also included the positive outcomes children make towards their own independence. Staff were noted for their successful “stepped” approach to helping the children become more independent, with the children themselves feeling “proud” of their achievements.

“Children at this home benefit from natural and trusted relationships with staff”

Inspectors reported on how children have positive, “natural and trusted relationships with staff”, have opportunities to spend time with them and receive a high level of individual attention.
Ofsted also commented on how children at Church View are involved in their own care and running of the home, including making “mood boards” and feeling prepared to have other children live there.

“Wishes and feeling of children are actively sought”

Restorative, in its model of care, puts children and young people at the heart of how they’re looked after, so it was particularly positive to have inspectors report on how the “wishes and feelings of children are actively sought at every opportunity. Children take part in house meetings and individual discussions with staff”.

Positive feedback from other professionals

The whole team at Church View receive positive feedback from other professionals, inspectors said. “Feedback from professionals about the home is very positive. Staff are described as responsive, proactive and good at communicating and highlighting concerns. When an incident occurs, it is dealt with in a timely manner and information is shared appropriately”.

The manager was also noted for his close working relationships with other professionals, including schools, which, together with staff, has a positive impact on the progress children make and the outcomes they achieve.

Well done Church View

This is a fantastic Ofsted inspection result and report, with comments the manager and whole team can feel proud of in their drive for excellence in children’s social care at Restorative.

Well done and congratulations to Nick and the team at Church View.